What is meant by channeling
The word “channel” comes from English and means “channel”. “Channeling” refers to “channeling” or “joining in.” This form of communication usually refers to the contact “up,” to the universe, to God, an angel, the “divine matrix,” or the “divine matrix.” “Energetic field”.
Often it is communicated directly with the universe or with different entities (channeled), eg with the deceased, with living or deceased souls, angels, etc.).
But it is also possible to get in touch with the different parts of a personality in order to get accurate information about the causes of different behavioral patterns or beliefs.
A person who channels and thus establishes contact with the universe is also called a medium.
If I channel there are 2 options:
- I ask intuitively and pass the answers received to her.
- You ask the questions that I pass on and I then forward the
answers that I receive to you