Channel as a medium

John Wheeeler, a colleague of Einstein’s, said that we must put aside the old notion that we are silent observers on the edge of the universe, and realize that we are active creators and participants in the universe. 

There seems to be something “mysterious” about what connects everything. In the Indian suras one speaks of a wonderful tissue, in the creation myth of the Hopi is spoken by a tissue, in Greek mythology was spoken of the ether, the essence of space, the breath of the gods and in the 6th century describes Hsin-Hsin Ming an “Essence” on which everything is based and everything is. 

In the 17th century Sir Isaac Newton used the term “ether”, for him the term ether means an invisible substance penetrating the whole universe, in the 19th century. James Clerk Maxwell wrote about a material substance that is more subtle than visible bodies and exists in those areas of space that appear empty (information from Gregg Braden, The Divine Matrix, etc.).
Others describe it as quantum essence, divine ground, the field or as Gregg Braden, as “The Divine Matrix”.

All agree that there is a field, an essence, which, though not visible to us, connects everything and appears independent of space and time.

This is the divine field, which I ask for information, which I then pass on to them.

There are 2 options:

  1. I ask intuitively and pass the answers received to her
  2. You ask the questions that I pass on and I then forward the answers that I receive to you