The Soul Journey
The soul journey is a salutary process that has been used by indigenous peoples (eg Indians of the Amazon), for the healing / wholeness of the soul (see, among others, after A. Villoldo).
It is assumed that injured soul parts, after a traumatic experience, have lagged behind in a previous life and thus make the solution of certain life issues in the here and now more difficult. It is therefore helpful to re-integrate these soul components in today’s life.
The contact and the possible recovery of the injured soul parts is done through a trance journey, which the medium carries out for its client to be consulted.
The medium visits different spaces (the space of the situation, the space of the injury, the space of the contract, the space of the injured soul part, space of the healing symbol and the space of the new contract, in the end reveals a power animal for the further way) ,
The Soul Journey is a very appreciative, respectful, and meaningful process of change that has proven to be very helpful, especially with recurrent problems.
Duration: Soul journey about 60 – 90 min.